
Jeremy Joiner |


  • 他说:“我应该在公司上市之前买进那只股票!”
  • “What a shame — I wish I had invested in that new tech before it went mainstream!”
  • 下一个发财的“独角兽”是什么?”

这种感觉很常见. Many of us experience “fear of missing out” — or FOMO — in our financial lives.1

When we do, 它会蒙蔽我们的判断力,使我们目光短浅, fear-driven decisions that could result in more losses and interfere with our longer-term financial goals.2


FOMO in finance is an investing bias closely linked to herd mentality and a scarcity mindset.

FOMO gets us thinking:

流行的想法一定是“好的”,因为每个人都在接受它们这就是从众心理在起作用, and it usually has us skipping the due diligence and ignoring anything that challenges the herd.1

难得的机会非常宝贵: With scarcity, 我们关注的是机会是多么的短暂和有限, 不管其内在的潜在价值. 这可能意味着我们高估了利害攸关的利益, 仅仅是因为稀有性或采取行动的窗口关闭.1


  • 根据有限的信息做出选择, taking little to no time to double-check our intel and confirm whether it’s valid.2
  • 做出更多冲动的决定,包括冲动消费.3
  • Buy high and sell low, chasing some trend and rushing to get in on the perceived “action.”2
  • 采取比平常更冒险的行动,承担更多风险.2
  • 倾向于生存偏差, zeroing in on success stories of “easy” wealth without accounting for the risks, the “losers,” and the bigger picture.4

所有这些都可能是个陷阱, with FOMO pushing us to dive off the deep end with big hopes and expectations and minimal information. 这些因素的结合可能会导致灾难, resulting in more losses, spiraling anxiety, 甚至会破坏我们最重要的关系.2

A recent example of widespread FOMO in finance was the cryptocurrency boom of 2021 to 2022. Dogecoin was among the big-name cryptocurrencies at the time, with Elon Musk backing it. 这在投资者中引发了大量的FOMO wild hikes and fast free falls, especially around Musk’s 2021 appearance on “Saturday Night Live.”5


FOMO可能会让人揪心,但它并不一定会妨碍你做出谨慎的选择. 鉴于FOMO和追逐趋势会导致损失, 一个更好的选择是耐心投资.

That means:

  • 随着时间的推移,慢慢地积累财富
  • Leveraging index fund investing, compound interest, and long-term market growth

指数基金投资, 你投资于市场的很大一部分(一个“基金”),它遵循一个设定的指数, like the S&P 500. Naturally diversified, 随着时间的推移,指数基金往往有良好的业绩记录, 基金业绩与几家公司挂钩, not just one.6

复利是指利息上的利息,以及原则. Effectively, 复利能让你以更快的速度赚钱, 为指数增长奠定基础. Keep in mind that compound interest can work for you with retirement savings accounts and other investments. 这对你的信用和贷款不利.7

Those are just some of the strategies that can fuel success in patient investing, 在现实世界中有几个这样的例子.

以传奇人物沃伦·巴菲特为例. 21岁时,巴菲特的身价只有2万美元. 他99%的财富直到50岁以后才赚到, 他直到56岁才成为亿万富翁. As such, 他是耐心投资的终极象征, 这代表了在你的财务生活中消除FOMO可以带来多大的回报.8


To make patient investing a practice that overrides any sense of FOMO, you can:

  1. Develop a solid plan: Create an investment plan based on your long-term goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. 把这个计划当作你的北极星, guiding your decisions, 不管市场炒作和最新趋势如何.
  2. Embrace diversification: Spread your investments across different asset classes and sectors to manage, balance, and offset the risks. 不要在任何一项投资上“全部投入”.
  3. 自动化您的投资: Set up regular, 自动贡献到您的基础投资, 比如你的退休账户. This can take the emotion out of the equation while providing consistency and regular contributions that keep you on track.
  4. Focus on the long term: When market volatility hits (and it will), remind yourself of your long-term goals. 还要记住,市场是周期性的,有规律地变化着. 他们现在的任何阶段都不会永远持续下去, 短期波动可能是“健康”市场的一部分.9
  5. Educate yourself我们对金融了解得越多,就越容易消除FOMO. With a better understanding of basic investment principles and why we make certain choices with our money, we can get much better at ignoring FOMO and avoiding the siren’s call of the latest “get-rich-quick” schemes.10
  6. 克制住监视细枝末节的冲动限制你看作品集的频率. Constant monitoring can make it easier to overreact to short-term market shifts.
  7. 在重大动作之前给自己一段“冷静”期: Make it a rule that you won’t dive into any new investment opportunity without waiting a certain period of time, doing some due diligence, 最好是和你信任的人交谈. FOMO依赖于当下的热度, and even a 24-hour cool-off period can be enough to provide key perspective and more rational decisions.

Goodbye FOMO. 策略和耐心.

FOMO是很自然的,它可以悄悄降临到我们每个人身上. 最新的热潮可以保证一夜暴富, 这种错觉可能非常诱人, 尤其是当我们对目前的计划感到迷茫或缺乏信心时.

Staying connected with our big-picture goals and what it takes to get there can help sideline FOMO whenever it arises. So can discussing your choices and concerns with an experienced financial professional.


1. http://money.usnews.com/investing/articles/behavioral-finance-fomo-loss-aversion-and-other-investing-biases#fomo

2. http://www.investopedia.com/deal-with-crypto-fomo-6455103

3. http://www.researchgate.net/publication/361229435_The_Impact_of_Scarcity_on_Consumers%27_Impulse_Buying_Based_on_the_S-O-R_Theory

4. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/survivorshipbias.asp

5. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2021-05-09/elon-musk-hosts-snl-video

6. http://www.cnbc.com/select/what-are-index-funds/

7. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/compoundinterest.asp

8. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/warren-buffett-accumulated-99-net-193522940.html

9. http://www.investopedia.com/trading/market-cycles-key-maximum-returns/

10. http://www.researchgate.net/publication/364483299_Fear_of_Missing_Out_Reality_in_Financial_Investments

This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information provided is not written or intended as tax or legal advice and may not be relied on for purposes of avoiding any Federal tax penalties. 鼓励个人向自己的税务或法律顾问寻求建议. Individuals involved in the estate planning process should work with an estate planning team, 包括他们自己的私人法律或税务顾问. Neither the information presented nor any opinion expressed constitutes a representation by us of a specific investment or the purchase or sale of any securities. Asset allocation and diversification do not ensure a profit or protect against loss in declining markets. This material was developed and produced by Advisor Websites to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. 版权所有2024 Advisor网站.